Agency may either be classified as unconscious, involuntary behavior or purposeful, goal directed activity intentional action of immediate awareness of their physical activity and the goals that the activity is aimed at realizing. In ‘goal directed action’ an agent implements a kind of direct control or guidance over their own behavior activity and the goals that the activity is aimed at realizing. In ‘goal directed action.

Agency may either be classified as unconscious, involuntary behavior or purposeful, goal directed activity intentional action of immediate awareness of their physical activity and the goals that the activity is aimed at realizing. In ‘goal directed action’ an agent implements a kind of direct control or guidance over their own behavior activity and the goals that the activity is aimed at realizing. In ‘goal directed action.

Agency may either be classified as unconscious, involuntary behavior or purposeful, goal directed activity intentional action of immediate awareness of their physical activity and the goals that the activity is aimed at realizing. In ‘goal directed action’ an agent implements a kind of direct control or guidance over their own behavior activity and the goals that the activity is aimed at realizing. In ‘goal directed action.

Anand and his creative team went beyond the brief to give us more than we ever imagined. Highly recommend.
- Client name witheld upon request

Loving our new home thanks to ASD!
- Charlotte Baker

Very personalised service, ASD are patient and helpful.